Envysion: Elevating Domino’s Operations with Cutting-Edge Managed Video Solutions

Envysion Wizardline Webinar

Wizardline Technologies and Envysion are partnering together for an exclusive Domino’s webinar Thursday, Aug 31, 2023 at 11:00 am MST for Domino’s owners. This webinar will share tips and tricks featuring Shawn Brunelle, Founder of Wizardline Technologies together with Brian Waisman, National Sales Director at Envysion. 

As a Domino’s Corporate approved third-party security vendor, we partner with Wizardline Reporting to sync video with data. We will feature anywhere access with one login to all locations, take a peek inside the application with use cases and how to document video incidents for future access or sharing, plus exclusive Domino’s Free Pizza reports driving increased profits for owners.

At Envysion, we focus on our customers and meet our brands, such as Domino’s, where they are in their specific needs. Watch how other Domino’s owners have given input in creating profit generating reports specifically for Domino’s.

Don’t miss out on this exclusive webinar. 



If other brands are interested in exclusive reports and tips and tricks webinars, please reach out to info@envysion.com for more information.
