

unlock insights with envysion's AI heatmaps

AI Heatmaps: Deeper Business Insights

Observe customer and staff activity with Envysion’s Heatmaps. See high traffic areas in your store for effective product placement and to provide a positive customer experience.

Observe Customer Activity

Maximize operational efficiency by understanding areas of high and low customer activity within your store.

Maximize Customer Experience

Create a positive customer experience by analyzing patterns within your store to correctly deploy staff.

Enhance Product Placement

Develop an effective marketing strategy by leveraging customer engagement levels and identifying which products attract your customers attention.

envysion heatmaps

Color Scale

View browsing patterns within your store with AI Heatmaps’ blue-to-red color spectrum to visualize customer and staff activity. Red indicates higher areas of movement giving you insights on where to place certain products for increased visibility and sales.

Identify Bottlenecks in Speed of Service

Heatmaps with AI technology allow you to view traffic patterns customers are taking. Reviewing these patterns gives you the information needed to eliminate any barriers hindering purchases. Take proactive steps to remove obstacles by creating a customer-friendly floor plan.

envysion heatmaps
envysion heatmaps

AI Heatmap Insights

Time segmented comparisons can provide quick insights such as daypart seating capacity. Understand how to segment server sections for staffing efficiencies, customer satisfaction and speed of service.

Anytime, anywhere video access with the Envysion Mobile App

Watch live or recorded video, create and save video clips and snapshots, review your flagged incidents, and more all on the go with our cloud-based mobile app.

Ready to get more out of your business' video surveillance?

We'll get you in contact with a Envysion specialist today so you can continue to level up your business, brand, people, and profits.