Visitor Insights


Envysion’s AI-Powered Visitor Insights

Unlock key shopper traffic trends and customer behavior data with Envysion’s AI-powered Visitor Insights. Track retail shopper traffic more accurately than traditional beam counters using your existing video security hardware and connect traffic data to your POS sales data to automatically calculate conversion data.

AI-Powered People Counting Technology That Works For You

Don’t rely on dated, expensive, and ineffective traffic beam counters to gather your business-critical shopper data. Streamline your operations by using your existing cameras to accurately monitor shoppers as they enter and pass by your business.


Sales Conversion Data You Can Count On

Envysion’s Visitor Insights connects to your POS system to automatically deliver conversion data that’s more accurate than traditional traffic counters.

Better Shopper Traffic Data Means Better Business Decisions

Pair Visitor Insights' more streamlined and accurate traffic data with your conversion data to measure the effectiveness of your business decisions. Optimize your operation with streamlined reporting and gain clear, actionable data you can rely on.


Streamlined Traffic Counting Data Integration

Visitor Insights makes using your data easy by integrating directly with your business systems to get the up-to-date, accurate data you need in an environment you already work in. No need to search for data in multiple applications, just plug and play.

Envysion's AI-powered people counter

Learn More About Visitor Insights

Sign up to receive information about Envysion’s AI-powered toolkit for monitoring customer foot traffic and improving conversions.